DMIN'06 The 2006 International
Conference on Data Mining


The 2006 International Conference on Data Mining



Topics of Interest
DMIN06 Programme
Paper Submission
Speaker Guidelines
Review Process
Technical Sessions
Tutorial Sessions
Student Funding
Sponsors / Exhibitors
Programme Committee
Social Programme
Location & Venue
Contact us
Online Proceedings





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Conference Chair:
Sven F. Crone

eMail  sven.crone (at)

Conference & Programme
Robert Stahlbock
Stefan Lessmann







The 2006 International Conference on Data Mining
Part of the 2006 World Congress in Computer Sciences
June 26-29, 2006
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

[DMIN06 Programme] [WORLDCOMP06 Programme]
[DMIN06 Social Programme]

[DMIN'06 online proceedings]


!!! Attend DMIN 2007 in Las Vegas !!!

Welcome to The 2006 International Conference on Data Mining! DMIN'06 is an international conference held simultaneously with 28 other joint conferences as part of WORLDCOMP'06, The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. WORLDCOMP'06 is one of the largest annual gatherings of researchers and practitioners in computer science, computer engineering and applied computing. Each of the joint conferences in WORLDCOMP is a premier conference for presentation of advances in their respective fields (for the complete list of joint conferences [click here]). The last set of conferences (DMIN'05 and affiliated events) had research contributions from 76 countries and had attracted over 1,500 participants. It is anticipated to have over 2,000 participants for the 2006 event. Participants range from established researchers on Professorial level, starting researchers (post-doc, PhD, Masters and Bachelor level) and contract researchers unto practitioners applying all aspects of data mining in private or public companies or research institutions.

DMIN conferences have been ranked within the top 10 conferences in Data Mining worldwide and within the top 30% (no. 78 of 328 conferences) in the domain of "Databases / Knowledge and Data Management / Data Security / Web / Mining" through an independent review at Computer Science Conference Rating. Considering this satisfactory review of its first year and our increasing efforts towards quality of the review process & programme etc. for the upcoming DMIN'06 you can look forward to participating & attending a leading international conference! The proceedings of DMIN'06 will be online at [DMIN'06 online proceedings]

We have extended your opportunity to participate in DMIN'06 through a set of post-conference proceedings! These proceedings allow submission until late May, with regular presentation at the DMIN'06 conference sessions, publication in the proceedings after the conference and full citation in all indices as ISI etc.!!! You are still invited to submit a draft paper of about 5-8 pages via our online draft paper submission system (for more information see the submission information). All accepted papers will be published in the respective conference proceedings. The names of technical session/workshop organizers/chairs will appear on the cover of the proceedings/books as Associate Editors. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to (see also topics):

  • Data Mining Methods & Algorithms
  • Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery Process
  • Data Mining Applications
  • Data Mining Tools
  • Data Visualisation
  • Data Warehousing
  • Data reduction

We welcome all contributions through theoretical research papers and industrial reports and case studies on applications in form of regular research papers of 7 pages IEEE style. In addition, we welcome student research proposals as short papers of 4 pages plus plenary presentations to receive guidance, online demonstrations of prototype software systems of 1 page and presentation in informal poster sessions. Accepted submissions include:

  • regular research papers (max. 7 pages IEEE style, formal presentation)
  • regular industry & application reports (max. 7 pages IEEE style, formal presentation)
  • short research papers (max. 4 pages IEEE style, poster presentation)
  • short industry & application reports (max. 4 pages IEEE style, poster presentation)
  • student research proposals (max. 4 pages IEEE style, formal presentation)
  • software demonstrations (max. 1 page IEEE style, poster presentation / online demonstration)
  • posters (max. 1 page IEEE style, poster presentation)

In addition, you are invited to organize a Technical Session/workshop.

Important Dates


26-29 June 2006

The 2006 International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN'06) & The 2006 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'06 - 28 joint conferences)

19 June 2006

Camera-Ready papers for post-conference proceedings & Pre-registration (no late charge!) due

5 June  2006

Notification of acceptance for post-conference proceedings

22 May 2006

Draft paper submission for post-conference proceedings!!!

The submission system remains open for post-conference publication of a additional set of proceedings with same citations in ISI etc!

28 April 2006
5 May 2006

Camera-Ready conference papers & Pre-registration due

9 April  2006

Notification of acceptance for conference proceedings

20 February 2006
extended:  6 March 2006

Draft paper submissions for publication in the conference proceedings due

29 December  2006
extended: 30 January 2006

Deadline for proposals to  organize / chair sessions - please contact us ASAP - the deadline has passed.




Workshop on "Application of Data Mining to Security Control "

DMIN'06 has approved a special session on Security Control issues chaired by Bon Sy ... [more]

Session on "Business Application and Business Intelligence"

DMIN'06 has approved a workshop on Business Data Mining ... [more]

Call for Special Sessions

We cordially invite you to propose special sessions for DMIN'06. Further details can be found here ... [more]

Call for Program Committee

We invite you to contribute to the DMIN'06 through active organisation and reviewing. ... [more]


Conference Venue

DMIN'06 is held at the renowned Monte Carlo Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA - a premier ***** resort located directly on on the strip. Click [here] for more info. Room rates will be very competitive (prob. $79.- per room / night) and we will initiate a room share initiative upon request, essentially halving the rate.


This website is hosted by the Centre for Forecasting at the Department of Management Science at Lancaster University Management School.


Sven F. Crone
Lancaster Centre for Forecasting
Lancaster University Management School
Lancaster, LA1 4YX

Lancaster University Management School


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last update: 23.05.2006